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  • War tax boycott
    A People’s Campaign to Defund the War 

    The War Tax Boycott campaign unites taxpayers who oppose this war in a powerful act of nonviolent civil disobedience — saying NO! to war with our money. Thousands of individuals in the U.S. take this stand despite the risks. Uniting our voices and actions through the War Tax Boycott strengthens our demand that Congress cut off the funds for this war and redirect resources to the pressing needs of people. - Lots of tools and info


  • War Tax Resistance: A Guide To Withholding Your Support from the Military
    War Resisters League’s 144-page comprehensive sourcebook by Ed Hedemann. Published in 2003.
    Everything you need to know about what is a war tax, philosophical questions, how to stop paying for war, consequences, resisting IRS collection, personal histories, military spending, organizing ideas, resources and support! Based on experiences of thousands of resisters.

  • National War Tax Resistance
    [They have lots of publications and other resources]
    "The National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee (NWTRCC) is a coalition of groups from across the U.S., formed in 1982 to provide information and support to people involved in or considering some form of war tax resistance (WTR). 

    NWTRCC's goal is to maintain and build a national movement of conscientious objectors to military taxes by supporting, coordinating and publicizing the WTR actions of groups and individuals. These actions include: war tax resistance, protest, and refusal; the redirection of military taxes to meet human needs; support of the U.S. Peace Tax Fund Bill; and adjustment of lifestyle to avoid tax liability. 

  • Voice in the Wilderness, War Tax Resistance 
    "If a thousand men [and women] were not to pay their tax-bills this year, that would not be a violent and bloody measure, as it would to pay them, and enable the State to commit violence and shed innocent blood." ~ -Henry David Thoreau

    "Voices in the Wilderness, as a campaign, refuses to pay taxes for war and directs efforts and finances to offer alternatives to violence. Many individuals connected with VitW are personally resisting part or all of their federal income tax, as almost half is directed towards the US military."

  • We the People vs Government
    No Answers, No Taxes!
    See the movie trailer:  America, Freedom to Fascism

  • Watch this clip from Boston Legal - Closing Arguments!
    "It's far easier to fight for principles than to live up to them."
    [When the Tax Man cometh, they don't answer the bell - read this 4/14 article in the Christian Science Monitor.]

  • Military Myths, Produced by ROOTS and Paper Tiger Television
    Military Myths is an organizing tool to educate the public on the military's aggressive recruitment of low income youth and youth of color. Featuring interviews with youth, activists and people of color who have served in military, the video gives an alternative viewpoint exposing the tactics military representatives use to engage youth - and the video exposes the reality of military service. The producers contrast media representations of war and military life with the personal experiences of veterans who have gone to war. Interviews with activists and students are also presented along with statistics from the Veterans Administration, CCCO, SLDN, and recent Pentagon studies that lay clear the myths of military life. View the trailer. Order by phone at WRL, or online at Paper Tiger.

  • We Won't Go! The Truth on Military Recruiters & the Draft.
    A Guide to Resistance.
    From the Introduction: "Army recruiting is in a death spiral," says retired Army Lt. Col. Charles Krohn, a lifelong Republican and former Pentagon public affairs official."

    As the bloody colonial occupation of Iraq drags on into its third year, the Army continues to miss its recruiting quotas--falling short by a staggering 42% in April of 2005. Maj. Gen. Michael D. Rochelle, commander of Army recruiting, predicted that 2006 could be the toughest recruiting year since the draft was ended in 1973.

    This book is aimed at increasing recruiting problems by helping young people and their parents counter the lies of the recruiters. In this book, you will find practical tools for challenging recruiters, exposing their falsehoods, and getting them out of our schools.


  • Ask Not Who Bankrolled Falluja; War Tax Resisters Opt Out
    "...To pay for this moral bankruptcy, we got up in the morning, worked all day, and sent money to the war machine. Ask not who bankrolled Falluja. 

    Texas school teacher Shirley Smith made the connection between her tax dollars and the war in Iraq during the first week of the invasion. ..."

  • War tax resisters balk at paying for American militarism
    "Lee Gough won’t be paying her federal income taxes this year.

    That doesn’t mean, however, that the artist and part-time temp worker won’t be setting money aside for April 15th – just that the federal government won’t be getting any of it. ..."

  • War tax resisters want a better world
    "Why do we give consent to a government and a system of violence we no longer believe in? The United States is involved in an immoral and illegal war in the Middle East. The invasion and occupation of Iraq and the indiscriminate killing of civilians are outlawed by international law.

    Of every tax dollar paid, more than 50 cents goes to pay for past, present and future military expenses. The military budget for the Department of Defense alone for 2005 will be close to $500 billion. Our willful payment of federal taxes enables our government to carry on a continuing program of illegal military activities.

    Should we continue to pay for war? International laws and agreements support and encourage citizens to resist their government when it is engaged in illegal acts. ..."

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